After the Annexion of Madagascar by the French Colonial Administration on August 06,1896, almost all ANDRIANA (Noble) and traditional kings in many other regions in Madagascar worked for the return of the independence of Madagascar in different ways.
The MENALAMBA royalist Mouvement (Red Toga) under the conducting of the ANDRIANA fought the French Colonial Administration in many regions of Madagascar in 1896-1905. Ny Andriana RAMASY of Ambohiboahangy-Ambohimalaza from Ny Andriantompokoindrindra Royal family was their great sponsor.
Next, Ny Andriana Jean-Baptiste RAZAFINDRAINIBE, from the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar, 16 Hrs, a billionaire, Principal Governor of Imerina, helped the Alliés by giving 02 Millions Francs-Or during the First World War in 1914-1918. He gave more gifts than the Rothschild or the Rockefeller families. And he fought that he will have the political power after this First World War.
After, Ny Andriana Pastor RAVELOJAONA (1879-1956), from the Zanadralambo amin'Andrianjaka princely family, brillant, overgift, was elected as the Representative of Madagascar in 1939-1941. And he worked for the pacific and progressive return of the independence in Madagascar since 1913
Then, the VY VATO SAKELIKA (VVS, Iron, Stone, Network) nationalist secret society fought for the return of the independence in 1913-1922. Ny Andriana Joseph RAVOAHANGY ANDRIANAVALONA (1893-1970) of the Andriamasinavalona princely family was among their Leaders.
Ny Andriana Lucien ANDRIAMISEZA (b.1913), from the Andriamasinavalona princely family created the Malagasy Nationalist Party (PANAMA), worked also for the return of the Independence of Madagascar, even by military actions, and they fought against the French Colonial Administration since 1941.
Next, Ny Andriana Pierre RAZAFY-ANDRIAMIHAINGO (1914-1997), Chief of the Andriandranando princely family, brillant, overgift, Officier of Artillery, Captain in the French Army in 1939, Member of the Resistance against the Nazi during the Second World World War, Architect- Urbanist DPLG, graduated of the Centre des Hautes Études Administratives of the École Nationale d'Administration ENA Paris, was the first Malagasy who made a Declaration for the pacific return of the Independence of Madagascar in December 1945. He was the President-Founder of the Order of Architects of Madagascar. He conceived the Urbanism Plan of Antananarivo, Mahajanga, Diego Suarez, Toamasina, Fianarantsoa, Toliara, and Antsirabe. He became Ambassador of Madagascar in United-Kingdom, France, Italia, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Saint-Siège, Israël, and many international institutions.
Ny Andriana Emmanuel RAZAFINDRAKOTO, Vice-president of the Andriandranando princely family, a fervent nationalist and patriot, worked also for the return of the Independence of Madagascar. Even he was imprisoned and tortured by the French Colonial Administration, he always stood up.
Then, the Mouvement Démocratique de la Rénovation Malgache (MDRM), a pacific nationalist mouvement, created in 1946 under the conducting of many Andriana, such as Ny Andriana Dr. Joseph RAVOAHANGY ANDRIANAVALONA with Ny Andriana Olivier RAZAFINDRATANDRA and Ny Andriana RAKOTOMANGA called Robert Lapidaire of the Andriamasinavalona princely family and Ny Andriana Martin RAKOTOVAO of Ny Andrianamboninolona princely family fought in a Pacific Movement for the return of the independence of Madagascar.
Ny Andriana Generalissime Samuel RAKOTONDRABE (1901-1948), a billionaire, a leader and a great sponsor of the non-pacific Movement for the return of the Independence of Madagascar in 1947, was executed by the French Colonial Administration in April 1948.
After that, Ny Andriana Dr.
Joseph RAVOAHANGY ANDRIANAVALONA, Doctor of Medicine, was elected as one of the two Representatives of Madagascar in the French National Assembly in 1945-1951. He worked also for the return of the total independence of Madagascar since 1913.
Ny Andriana Émile RAMAROSAONA (1923-2009), from the Zanadralambo amin'Andrianjaka princely family, brillant, dynamic, charismatic, polyglot, graduated from ESCP Paris, Jurist, and DESS in Political Economy in France, was the leader of the Congress for the Independence of Madagascar in Toamasina, in April 1956.
The Law of Annexion of Madagascar by the French Colonial Administration was abolished on October 14, 1958.
Ny Andriana Dr. Alfred RAMANGASOAVINA (b.1917) from the Zanadralambo amin'Andrianjaka princely family, brillant, overgift, polyglot, graduated of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sc. Po. IEP Paris) and Doctor in Law (Paris), was the Vice President of the First Republic of Madagascar in 1960-1970, the Minister of Justice in 1960-1969 who elaborated the Malagasy Civil Code, then the Minister of Information in 1970.
Ny Andriana Josoa ANDRIANTSITOHAINA, from the Andriandranando princely family, became the First Grand Chancelor of the National Order of Madagascar, Grand Cross of First Class of the National Order of Madagascar, during the First Republic in 1960-1972.
Ny Andriana Dr. Joseph RAVOAHANGY ANDRIANAVALONA was elected the Representative of Antananarivo in September 1960, after his imprisonment in 1947-1959 because of the national Movement of Independence in 1947, then he was the Minister of Health during the First Republic in 1961-1970.
Ny Andriana Émile RAMAROSAONA was the "Prime Minister in Chief" because he supervised seven public ministries. He was also the Founder of the Civic Service, a Military Corps for the Development, the co-Founder of the Central Bank, the Chairman of the Bank of Development and the National Company of Energy of Madagascar, then the Commissaire à l'Animation rurale et au Service civique with the rank of minister in 1963-1968, after the State Secretary of Plan in 1968-1971, and the Minister of Plan in 1971-1972. He was the initiator of the National Movement of Liberation in 1971-1972. He was also Minister of Foreign Office in 1992.
Ny Andriana Division General Roland RABETAFIKA (1929-1991), from the Andrianamboninolona princely family, Officier from Saint-Cyr, the best Officier in Africa at that time, former General Director of the Government in 1972-1975, and some élite of the Andriana recreated the Fianakaviambe or the Great Family of the Nobility in Madagascar in 1980-1990s.
Ny Andriana Pierre Longin RAMAHATRA, from the Andriamasinavalona princely family, became the Grand Chancelor of the National Order of Madagascar, Grand Cross of First Class of National Order of Madagascar, at the time of the Second Republic (1975-1991).
Ny Andriana Blaise RABETAFIKA (1932-2000), from the Andrianamboninolona princely family, Ambassador of Madagascar at the United-Nations (UN, New-York) and Ny Andriana Raymond RANJEVA (b.1946), from the Andriamasinavalona princely family, Professeur Agrégé de Droit Public International, were the Representatives of Madagascar during their Declaration at the United-Nations (UN) and the General Assembly of the United-Nations adopted the Resolution N.34/91 on December 12, 1979 that the four small Islands (Juan de Nova, Basses de India, Glorioso, and Europa) belong to Madagascar.
Ny Andriana Émile RAMAROSAONA and Ny Andriana Colonel Roland RABETAFIKA (1929-1991) were the co-Founders in 1990-1991 of the Movement of the National Liberation called HERY VELONA (living Forces) against the Dictature during the Second Republic (1975-1991).
Ny Andriana Raymond RANJEVA (b.1942) of the Andriamasinavalona princely family, Professeur Agrégé de Droit Public International, became Judge at the International Court of Justice in La Haye in the Kingdom of Netherlands in 1991-2009, and Vice-President of this Institution in 2003-2006.
The Prime Minister Guy Willy RAZANAMASY (1928-2911), descendant of the Andriamasinavalona princely family, unifier, conducted the Government of National Union in 1991-1993 with the Convention of October 31, 1991after the bankrupt of the Second Republic.
Ny Andriana Blaise RABETAFIKA was Ambassador of Madagascar in 1963-1992 and the Dean of all Ambassadors at the United-Nations (UN, New-York), then he was the only man in the world who was two times President of the Council of Security of the United-Nations, and a nobleman who obtained the International Golden Mercury Prize for rare Chiefs of State.
Ny Andriana Pastor Joseph RAMAMBASOA, from the Andriandranando princely family, unifier, also President of the Church of Jesus-Christ in Madagascar (Reformed Presbyterian Church), became the Grand Chancelor of the National Order of Madagascar, and elevated at the dignity of Grand Cross of First Class of the National Order of Madagascar, during the Third Republic in 1992-1996.
After the criminal fire that destructed the Royal site of Antananarivo in November 06, 1995,
Ny Andriana Emile RAMAROSAONA Chief of the Zanadralambo amin'Andrianjaka, Ny Andriana Blaise RABETAFIKA Chief of the Andrianamboninolona princely family with Ny Andriana Jacques ANDRIAMANOHY of the Andrianamboninolona princely family, Ny Andriana Marius RAZAFINDRAKOTO (Sc. po. IEP Paris) and Ny Andriana Radama RASOLOARIVONY (Sc. po. IEP Paris and ENA Paris) of the Andriandranando princely family, and Ny Andriana Ndriana RABARIOELINA of the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar met together in 1995-2000.
Ny Andriana Radama RASOLOARIVONY (b.1960), brillant, overgift, efficacious, efficient, met particularly Mr. Michel CAMDESSUS, General Manager of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in his office in Washington DC, after the bankrupt of the Third Republic, in order to deblocate the Madagascar File, in May 16, 1998. Before that time, by his negociation with the US chargé d'affaires (Ambassador per interim) of the US Embassy in Madagascar in 1997, he obtained also the unlocking of 450 Millions Dollar USD of frozen assets by Eximbank and the permission of the planes of Air Madagascar National Company to fly again.
With the BLESSING of the LORD the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE given by Ny Andriana Pastor Tolotra RATEFY (b.1950), from the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar, a Wise Man, Theologican, Historian, polyglot, Grand Cross of the National Order of Madagascar,
HRH the Prince Ndriana RABARIOELINA (b.1963), from the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar, gathered Aristocratic Associations in Madagascar in 1996-2003. Moreover, HRH Prince Ndriana RABARIOELINA participated to the reunification of the Sacred Great Island of Madagascar with the cooperation of the Army Forces under the conducting of Division Generals, Brigadier Generals, Colonels of the Army against separatist Military Forces who controled 5/6 of the country in 2002.
Then, they met Ny Andriana Étienne RALITERA (1938-2017), from the Elder branch of the Royal House, unifier, posed, who became the Head of the Royal House of Madagascar and the Chief of Aristocratic Associations of Madagascar in 2003-2015.
Ny Andriana Étienne RALITERA, Grand Chancelor of the National Order of Madagascar in 2002-2015, Grand Cross of the First Class of the National Order of Madagascar, met also H.E. Mr. KOFFI ANNAN and H.E. Mr. BAN KHI MOON successively General Secretary of the United-Nations (UN) and H.S.A. Prince ALBERT DE MONACO in Madagascar.
Ny Andriana Professor Lala RABARIOELINA (b.1930) from the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar, brillant, overgift, Professeur Agrégé de Médecine, became the Grand Chancelor of the National Order of Madagascar, and elevated at the dignity of Grand Cross of the National Order of Madagascar, in 2017-2019.
His Royal Majesty the KING Ndriana RABARIOELINA, from the Elder branch of the Royal House of Madagascar, Head of the Royal House of Madagascar, was anointed and consecrated Traditional King of Imerina and Madagascar in the presence of chosen members of the Royal House of Madagascar, in the sacred and royal site of Ambohidrabiby Hasin'Imerina in 2015.
Ny Andriana Étienne RALITERA, Head of the Royal House of Madagascar and Chief of Aristocratic Associations of Madagascar in 2002-2015, transmitted the Traditional Royal Power and the Traditional Royal scepter to His Royal Majesty King Ndriana RABARIOELINA of Madagascar in the presence of the Chiefs and the Elders of all Aristocratic Associations in the Kingdom of Imerina and Traditional Kings from regions of Madagascar, in Antananarivo in 2015.
Moreover, His Royal Majesty the KING Ndriana RABARIOELINA of Madagascar, Head of the Royal House of Madagascar, Chief of the Great Family of the Nobility of Imerina and all Aristocratic Associations of Madagascar, Head of Assembly of Traditional Kings in Madagascar, has met also more than one hundred Kings and Chiefs of State in twelve countries in the world.
Antananarivo, the Royal and Sacred city, November 21, 2020.
Head of the Royal House of Madagascar.
NB: We want to precise that all these people were/are educated with noble values and principles, patriot/ nationalist, brillant, non corrupt, and worked/work at the service of their country for the interest of the whole nation.
Madagascar needs 5000 high level Malagasy people who have their level for the real development of its whole nation.
Sources/ Photos: Archives J.B..Razafindrainibe, E. Ramarosaona, B. Rabetafika, M. Razafindrakoto, T. Ratefy, E. Ralitera, L. Rabarioelina, R. Rasoloarivony, P. Razatovo, J.P Razafy-Andriamihaingo, M. R. Rakotomanga, A.R. Andriantsihafa.
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